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Saturday, 10 March 2012

How to Create a Custom theme for Nokia s40 Java Phones(With blueftp, winrar or online

It has been a custom with me to always do extensive research before posting any tutorial. Lol and behold i present to you 3 ways by which you can get your own customized theme on your nokia s40 phones

-A Nokia s40 java phone
-A good theme with .nth extension(necessary)
-winrar.exe on your pc(if you are doing this on pc)
-Blueftp on your phone(if you want to edit with phone)
-A pc(if you want to create on pc)
-Internet connection(if you want to create online)

Download blueftp here

Nokia S40 Phones support the
"nth" type theme. You can create
your own theme without any
software. Follow the below instructions:
Copy any theme from your mobile
to computer
Rename your theme and change its
extension to ".rar" [Example:
watertheme.nth to watertheme.rar] Now right-click on the renamed
file and extract its content to a
empty folder.
Now Check which image is used
for what purpose [check the
theme on mobile]. now replace the images and
ringtones that you want to use in
your theme with already existing
images and ringtones. make sure u
don't change the name.[rename
your images to the same same as the existing image in the theme
had. same for tones too].
Now the folder contains all the
info of the theme as it is. only
the content has changed not the
name. so the file named theme discriptor will take the new
files for your theme.
Now right-
Now right-click anywhere in the
folder's empty space and select
the option "Add to
Now you will have a
watertheme.rar in the same folder.
Rename the file to
"watertheme.nth" from
You're Done. copy the theme to
your phone and test it...!!

Method 2

FOR THIS, YOU WILL NEED A SOFTware installed in your nokia s40 mobile.. Blue it from link above.
.step-by-step..!! 1.] Change extension of an existing theme from '.nth' to '.zip' using blueFTP.
2.] Now extract the contents of '.zip' renamed file to an empty folder using BLUEFTP
3.] OpeN the folder WHERE u xtracted the files,in ur phone gallery. There will be certain image files which appeared in old theme. Delete the ones which u want to edit and instead paste there ur desired images with the same name and extension of the file which u deleted....plz don't edit other system files.!
4.] Now, using BlueFTP,repack (COMPRESS) the contents of whole folder after suitable editing, by clicking on 'compress file (.nth)' in blueFTP menu.
5.] Yippee....ur very own new theme is created...generated '.nth' file is the desired theme...!!name it according to ur wish.... I HOPE THE TUTORIAL IS crystal-CLEAR TO everyone It is advisable to not rename the file in whole process...change only the extension and not the name...u cn rename it after completion.

Method 3 go to with your pc or using mobile.

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