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Friday, 22 February 2013

Easy Ways To Sell EBooks - Tips And Strategies

By Kayla Milliway

The popularity of eBooks has risen in recent years. The way that people read is changing. Popular eBooks readers like Kindle and Nook have taken the world by storm. This is great news for people who want to write and self publish their own books online. Of course simply writing the book is not enough to get people to buy it.

By converting your eBook into a Kindle book, you can sell it on Amazon's Kindle store is growing by leaps and bounds every single day. Amazon has created a very trustworthy feel, allowing people to buy things in total comfort and trust. When you sell through Kindle, you must agree to abide by certain regulations and rules. Amazon is very strict about what it allows, how long they allow it, etc. When you sell something on Kindle, there are a few things you must agree to prior to uploading your eBook and placing it on the Amazon marketplace. You should also understand that your eBook has to be in Kindle format before it can be sold. Your reader will not be able to make these adjustments. The adjustments must be made by you.

Make sure that you have a website that is set up to center on your eBook. It is important to promote your book on every blog and website that you own. If you're going to sell your book on the web, a website is an absolute necessity. As long as you have a dedicated web space to promote your book, it shows you're serious about what you have written. A sales letter on your website is not enough - you need to have other pages to make it believable. An author page should be visible. You also need reader reviews on the website as well. Although it is nice to have a visitor to your website, you want them to do more than visit. The ultimate goal is to have people purchase your e-book after they have visited.

Sending copies to trustworthy people, whose opinions you value, is something you should do. Those that read your eBook can leave feedback on Amazon or Barnes & Noble which will help your sales. Their recommendations can also be given so they are friends and family will buy your eBook. Free copies that are given away are actually extremely helpful. This really helps you. It doesn't hurt you at all! Need to limit how many free copies you send out, only sending them to people that can help you make more cash.

Your book also should have a Facebook page. Sometimes, we believe that having a Facebook page for ourselves and our other projects is enough. You need to create a separate page for your book, not just mention it. This is where people can post reviews, discuss the book with each other and encourage others to buy it. This type of medium allows you to have almost instant feedback. You can hear from actual customers, do updates that they request, and motivate people to purchase your book because they know they will be taken seriously. As you can see, eBook sales can dramatically increase by being creative. Don't limit yourself to posting on Twitter or selling your book from a basic sales page. An eBook allows you to be creative, trying new and innovative ways to sell your product. So stop sitting there and get to work!

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